

Olivier Caire

Civil Engineer by trade, I discovered photography at the age of 16 when Dad gave me his old Olympus OM-40 to play with, a 35mm semi-automatic film camera mounted with a 50mm f/2.0 optic. Starting with the basics.

Ever since that day, photography has been the way for me to combine the cartesian DNA of my Father through precise settings, accurate light measurements and clean composition; with the artistic "breaking-the-rules" genes of my Mother, all of that brewed in their shared passion for travels and discovery of new cultures.

Pictures are there, and you you just take them.


Photographier, c'est une attitude, une façon d'être, une manière de vivre.


From pilots racing speedboats in New Zealand, to Brazilian farmers raising cattles on the Amapa plains ; from French street-artists to models in Sydney ; from Mount Cook in New-Zealand, all the way to Svalbard via Mexico, Iran, Nepal, Italy, Norway, France, Switzerland and most European Countries, photography has been my energy to discover places and peoples from all horizon, sharpen my curiosity for new cultures and share the adventures I was offered to experience...

I hope that through this website, you get to enjoy these stories, these people and these marvels of our World as much as I did documenting thes moments in time.

Mentions légales

Dénomination sociale

Horizons Verticaux / Mont-Blanc Engineering Sarl


Place de la Gare 1, 1630 - Bulle, Switzerland


+41 78 672 81 43 | +33 6 69 21 79 12

Numéro d'identification




Numéro de TVA

CHE-189.816.009 TVA

Ce site est hébergé sur la plateforme PhotoDeck, sur des infrastructures fournies par OVH (France) et Amazon (USA, Irlande).